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Unc Inc BV


We make digital products for purpose driven brands


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Utilizing human centered design we create digital products and services for purpose-driven brands like Vandebron, Tropenmuseum, Brenger and LittleBitz. Purpose-driven because we feel there's more to life and work than just making money. We believe that with creativity and technology we can improve the world in all respects. That’s why we want to provide the pioneers with the tools to make that future a reality.

Some say we are informal or approachable, we just appreciate the positive and relaxed atmosphere. We are open to different opinions and everyone feels the liberty to share their idea. Because every so often there's something brilliant about that one crazy idea, and an opportunity to make a radical improvement. It's how we remain innovative. It's how we keep learning from each other, from each project and each partner. Every day.

Meet the team

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The office

Scheepsbouwkade 15, 1033WM, Amsterdam

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