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IN10 helps brands to be more human through digital hospitality.


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What a time to be a brand! Digital technology has become an essential part of our daily lives. And because of it we’re able to talk, share, work and live together in many fantastic new ways. It has also changed the way we do business, and how people interact and communicate with brands or organisations like yours. Your audience is simply expecting a lot more these days.

So… what do people want? Needless to say, everyone’s got different wants and needs, just like your audience. But when it boils down to basic human interactions, whether it’s with people or a brand, we all want the same things: to have pleasant, fun, surprising, exciting, thrilling, easy, hilarious, addictively good experiences.The stuff you’d love to experience again, and again, and that you’d love to share with others. Our job is done when any and every experience your audience has with your brand feels exactly like that.

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IN10 Academy

Equipment, some of them taken from personal sources. For example, in the large work ‘Repugnant Conclusion’ he visualizes the problem by using a diagram, which he constructs by using images that shine a different light on the issue. Enthoven complicates the idea of using happiness as a measure by contrasting it with alternative values like ‘uniqueness’, ‘stackability’ and ‘suffering’. He plays with these values by, for example, using printed images besides hand drawn ones, showing full compositions next to serene compositions, and by rendering objects in atypical materials. Moreover, by contrasting details with the bigger picture Enthoven hints at other repugnant conclusions.

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Kratonkade 7, 3024 ES, Rotterdam

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